Student ClubsStudent Clubs and Organizations

Southern Crescent Technical College encourages student participation and involvement in student organizations and activities related to their areas of interest and to the goals and objectives of the college.

Below is a list of approved clubs and organizations open to all students.




  American Welding Society

Students are the future of the welding industry. The American Welding Society recognizes this. That is why we invite students, wanting to expand their welding knowledge and take a more active role in their careers, to get more involved with welding. Active participation in an AWS Student Chapter provides the knowledge, experience and networking needed to begin a successful career. Participation in a Student Chapter can provide AWS Student Members valuable experience for career and personal development. There are over 100 AWS Student Chapters located at schools across the country. Through Student Chapter participation, you can learn and sharpen the skills needed for a successful career in the welding industry. Involvement in a Student Chapter will also provide you with networking opportunities. Meet other welding students and professionals at Chapter meetings, local AWS Section meetings, and the FABTECH International & AWS Welding Show. Volunteer as a Chapter Officer and gain valuable leadership skills that will help throughout your career.


For more information visit the AWS site, or call contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

Cardio Vascular Technology Student Organization is the Southern Crescent Technical College’s Chapter of The Alliance of Cardiovascular Professionals (ACVP).  The mission of this organization is to meet the needs of all cardiovascular and pulmonary providers, to promulgate standards and to promote recognition of the cardiovascular profession.  The purpose of this chapter is to foster academic scholarship at the highest academic level, promote research and investigation in the field of Cardiovascular Technology.  ACVP promotes inter-professional continuing education to promote quality cardiovascular care, as well as provides excellent resources and networking amongst cardiovascular professionals.  To be eligible to join, students must be enrolled in the Cardiovascular Technology program as a full-time student, and maintain a GPA of 2.5 on a 4.0 scale; after acceptance into the program.


FBLA Collegiate is a national organization for students interested in business.  Its goals are to help students develop leadership skills, character, and self-confidence.  FBLA Collegiate provides the students with opportunities to develop occupational competencies for business occupations, and promotes a sense of civic and personal responsibility.  Local, state, and national competitions are open to students in this organization.

FBLA Website:

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

The Forensic Science Club creates an environment for those individuals that share a passion for crime scene investigations to include but not limited to ­fingerprinting, evidence, collection, death investigating crimes, and forensic chemistry and biology. The Forensic Science club will provide activities and events that include guest speakers from the ­field of forensic science, the conduction of mock crime scenes, escape rooms, and murder mystery dinners. This club provides a place for students to network and learn the ins and outs of forensic science and how students can use this knowledge to pursue a career in the ­field.

Keen On Being Excellent (K.O.B.E.) is a club that focuses on supporting and supports retaining male students from traditionally under served minority population. It is a median led by student advocates to share ideas of how to become and remain engaged, offer support services and intervention strategies, and motivate them throughout their college career.

The club help students identify career goals, hone leadership skills, and turn ambitions into action. The program provides a life-changing experience providing access to essential tools to excel in future and make changes in the world. As a member of the NSLS, students become part of a community of success-driven, like-minded people with access to professional leadership training, exclusive scholarships, an online job bank, networking events, a celebrity speaker series, enhancement of your professional resume, and more.

NSNA is a student professional organization on the national and state level. The organization promotes the standards and ethics of the nursing profession. The club promotes the development of the skills that students will need as responsible and accountable members of the nursing profession. Students will advocate for high-quality, evidence-based, affordable, and accessible health care, contribute to advances in nursing education, and engage in community enrichment efforts for local and statewide needs. The students can attend webinars, conferences, lectures, and other events at the state and national level for free or small fees.

The club consists of student officers and faculty members.

This club is open to all nursing students at Southern Crescent Technical College. The club has a membership fee of $21 for the chapter and $37 for the national organization which is paid directly to NSNA at

The National Technical Honor Society is a national, nonprofit organization established to honor excellence in work-force education programs and majors. As the honor society for Career & Technical Education, NTHS serves over 100,000 active members annually in both secondary and postsecondary chapters across the country. Since its founding in 1984, nearly 1 million students have become NTHS alumni. NTHS honors the achievements of top CTE students, provides close to $300,000 in scholarships annually, and strives to help connect education and industry to build a highly skilled workforce.

The requirements for membership in the NTHS Chapter at Southern Crescent Technical College are below:

  • Must be a diploma or degree seeking student
  • Must have a cumulative academic average of 3.5 or higher

Candidates will receive a membership certificate and will be recognized during the graduation ceremony by the College’s approved designated honorary regalia.

For more information visit the NTHS site , or call contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

The Page Turner’s Book Club is a club on campus open to all Faculty, Staff and Students. We meet remotely to discuss the book we just ­finished reading as a group.  We try to select books that are current but short enough to not conflict with students’ studies.   Book Club members can suggest books for future reading any time.  We have great discussions with many different opinions and interpretations  of  the  book.    We  hope  you  will  join  us,  enjoy  a  new  book  and  meet  people  you  share the love of stories with.

The purpose of this organization is to provide an opportunity for students of Southern Crescent Technical College to grow academically and as a team.  Their focus is on providing healthcare to our community, increasing awareness of Respiratory Care careers, and working with other healthcare providers to improve awareness of respiratory health issues. Respiratory Care Club Membership is open to all students in the respiratory care program at Southern Crescent Technical College.  The club does not require dues to be paid by members.

Rotaract is a Rotary club-sponsored student organization, which provides an opportunity for all students…

  1. to enhance the knowledge and skills that will assist them in personal and professional development;
  2. to address the needs, problems and opportunities in our community;
  3. to recognize the dignity and value of all occupations as opportunities to serve our community; and
  4. to promote better relations between all people worldwide through a framework of friendship and service.

Rotaract’s mission is “Service Above Self.”

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

SkillsUSA, Inc. is a student professional organization that consists primarily of students in technical and health occupations programs. SkillsUSA members participate in activities that promote leadership and professionalism through competitive events at the local, state, and national levels. SkillsUSA leadership consists of club officers and a faculty advisor. For additional information, you can visit the SkillsUSA national website.

SkillsUSA is a national student organization that serves industrial, technical, and health occupation students. Leadership, dignity of work, good workmanship, citizenship, and respect for others are characteristics emphasized. Local winners compete in regional, state, and national competitions.

SkillsUSA Membership Form

Membership Dues: $15

For more information on this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049.

The Student Government Association (SGA) is a representative body of students composed of students from each diploma and degree program at Southern Crescent Technical College. The purpose of SGA is to foster the general welfare of students and to provide a link between the student body and the college administration. Composed of representatives from each instructional program, governed by an SGA Constitution, and led by a staff of elected student officers, SGA voices students’ issues concerning school policy, rules, and practices. SGA administers the student activity funds and contributes financially to support the projects of the other student organizations.

sga officers 2025

SGA also expends student activities funds providing entertainment and activities for the student body during the year and by providing financial support to other student clubs and organizations. SGA leadership consists of officers elected and appointed by Southern Crescent student body and Student Activities Coordinator, and approved by the president of Southern Crescent Technical College. Faculty and staff volunteer to serve as Club Advisors.

For more information about this organization or any other Southern Crescent Technical College student organization, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049 or Director of Student Support Services at 770-229-3409 or through the Student Activities Coordinator Contact Form.

The Veteran’s Club provides an opportunity for students of the College, who are veterans of the United States military service, to come together for mutual support and fellowship during their academic careers at College.  Membership is open to any currently enrolled Southern Crescent Technical College student who has served in any branch of the United States military – Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, or Coast Guard — for at least two years, followed by honorable discharge.

The mission of SVA is to provide military veterans and their dependents with the resources, support, and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation.  SVA is a coalition of student veterans groups on college campuses across the globe. These member chapters are the “boots on the ground” that help veterans reintegrate into campus life and succeed academically.

十大网赌平台推荐 students have the opportunity to start new clubs and organizations on-campus. A must for any sanctioned club or organization is a complete Clubs and Organizations application, a prepared constitution, an identified Southern Crescent Technical College full-time faculty or staff member to serve as the advisor, and a clearly state educational purpose(s) of the organization with group objectives explaining the proposed charter.  This information packet must be submitted to and approved by the Student Activities Coordinator, the Director of Student Support Services, and the Vice President for Student Affairs must grant final approval prior to any club and/or organization having its first official meeting.

For more information on Southern Crescent Technical College student organizations, please contact the Student Activities Coordinator at 770-229-3049 or Director of Student Support Services at 770-229-3409 or through the Student Activities Coordinator Contact Form.

Administrative Forms

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